RSS1.0, RSS2.0, Atom1.0, basic PodCast ...
The Feed is supported as a standard function in recent blogs and CMSs.
However, Dreamweaver does not have it and I made this extension.
This extension help you to make the Feed( RSS1.0, RSS2.0, Atom1.0, basic PodCast ).
You can make the Feed with only a mouse.
On the Files Panel, Right-click and select "make [ RSS1.0 | RSS2.0 | Atom | basic PodCast ] "
This software is not guaranteed. Please use at your own risk.
and, thanks...

New Release
- 2008/02/24
- [make]basic PodCast
If you want to establish the PodCast for iTunes, you will use Apple products.
- [config]Set Referer
Ex. http://www.garterblue.com/?ref=rss
How to make the RSS.
- Select the files on the Files Panel.
- Right-click and select "make ***"