You SHOULD check "Maintain Design Notes" in the Site Definition dialog box to use this extension.
If you don't check it, you can make only simple sitemap file.
Case: Dw CS4(Japanese Edition)
How to make the sitemap file.
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> make Sitemap file
Make Sitemap file in new document.
directory1 |-hoge.html |-directory2 | |-hoge2.html
How to set configuration for each pages.
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday ->set Flag
Set Flag of sitemap file for selected each files.(As default, html file is on.)
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> set Priority
Set Priority of sitemap file for selected each files.(As default, priority is none)
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> set Changefreq
Set Changefreq of sitemap file for selected each files.(As default, changefreq is none)
How to set configuration about the the sitemap.
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> set Default Timezone
You should define your TIMEZONE.(As default, Timezone is +09:00 because I'm living in Tokyo.)
Please check
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> set Default UTC Format
Set UTC Format.(As default, UTC Format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD.)
No. | Format | Example | Description |
1 | YYYY | 1997 | Year |
2 | YYYY-MM | 1997-07 | Year and month |
3 | YYYY-MM-DD | 1997-07-16 | Complete date |
4 | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD | 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00 | Complete date plus hours and minutes |
5 | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD | 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00 | Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds |
6 | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD | 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00 | Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second |
Please check
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> set Default about cloaked files
How to show configurations.
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> show Settings in new document
Show settings in new document.
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> show Settings in alert
Show settings in alert.
How to send sitemap submission to search engine.
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> send Sitemap submission...
Send sitemap submission to Search engine via HTTP Request.
Enter URL of sitemap file on your site.
When select the sitemap file and right-click, fill by selected filename.
Click button to check the sitemap file is exist on your site.
You must upload the sitemap file to your site before sent sitemap submission to search engine.
When status is ok, below buttons are able to click.
Click button to send sitemap submission to each search engine.
The first time, You should submit the sitemap file using each site's account.
"Google" and "Yahoo" and "Ask" are sent sitemap submission directly via HTTP request.
"MSN" is, open new page to submit your sitemap file.
Send using Yahoo!'s ping API.( See )
with Toolbar
3 items appear in toolbar of sitemap everyday when document is opening.
Sitemap include this file. Priority and changefreq are not defined.
When click the logo of sitemap everyday, change "include" or "not include".
Sitemap does not include this file. Priority and changefreq are not defined.
You can set priority.
You can set changefreq.
When the file is out of site or is not saved, sitemap does not include it. Priority and Changefreq are "out of site".
How to make the sitemap index file.
UI: Context menu -> sitemap everyday -> make Sitemap Index file
Make Sitemap Index file in new document.
directory1 |-hoge.xml |-directory2 | |-hoge2.xml